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CraftBoston Spring Spotlights Artists and Craft Creators

CraftBoston Spring Spotlights Artists and Craft Creators

May 19, 2016 Michelle A. Lee

CraftBoston, hosted by The Society of Arts and Crafts is a festival featuring contemporary art.

The Society of Arts and Crafts is a nonprofit organization that aims to encourage the collection, creation, and conservation of craft artists. They do this by promoting the work of artists by having festivals like CraftBoston that will hopefully increase public appreciation of craftsmanship.

CraftBoston is a weekend long juried show that will feature handmade art through various forms. Tess Mattern—the Marketing and Communications Manager at Society of Crafts said, “CraftBoston Spring will feature the work of 90 artists working across the mediums of fiber, ceramics, metal, jewelry, glass, wood, furniture, leather, and mixed media.” It is appropriate that this art will be viewed at the Cyclorama at the Boston Center for Arts—a 19th century brick building that will provide an intimate viewing experience.

This well-established show features only the best of craft artists that produce one of a kind, limited edition pieces. “…CraftBoston Spring is happening the weekend of April 29-May 1—a beautiful time of year to explore the South End of Boston and the weekend before Mothers’ Day!” Said Mattern. “It’s a fabulous way to get to know the city, and pick up something special for yourself or someone you care about. Each and every object is fine craft—handmade with care and skill.” Shoppers will not only leave with something beautiful and handmade, but they will also learn about the craft of creating art.

It’s an important aspect of SAC to educate its shoppers on crafts and introduce people to another side of art that is not as recognized as paintings and sculptures. “CraftBoston is always a fabulous opportunity to have a conversation with an artist, and to learn more about the materials, process, and ideas behind his or her work,” said Mattern. “These conversations and knowledge about the work lead to meaningful relationships with the craft objects in your home.” SAC promotes the art of fine craft made by artists that will leave an impact on its shoppers. By learning the history of the craft, the art becomes more than a centerpiece in someone’s home, they can now tell the story of the art piece.

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